Lossless Lottery and LUCK farm on Radix
Stake Radix, Earn LUCK, and win prizes! Even the smallest stakers can win.

Stake with us to Play
Particpating is easy! To join in on the fun, simply stake
at least 1,000 XRD with our Validator node.
1. First, copy our validator node address.
2. Then, go in your Radix wallet in the Stake & Unstake section.
3. In the Stake Tokens tab, paste our address in the Validator field
4. Enter the amount of XRD you want to delegate to us (1000 XRD minimum).
5. Click "Stake" and "Confirm". That's it!
The Lottery by the Numbers
6,693,051 LUCK
In circulation
458,471 new LUCK
Being farmed this month
20,000 XRD
Staking cut-off date:
Next drawing date:
120,000 XRD
Yearly drawing date:
monthly drawings
yearly drawing
Giveaway Sponsors
Below are some of the partner projects who have graciously contributed their tokens or NFTs as additional prizes in our lottery drawings. Check them out!